Saturday, January 31, 2009

happy seven!

today she turned 7

7? already?

breakfast in bed

a party with her friends

her favorite dinner

dessert of her choice

what made her smile the biggest?

the fake nails her aunt gave her, the ones santa forgot to bring

love you lils!

happy birthday

Thursday, January 22, 2009

lots of "news"

only one new years resolution-to be in front of the camera more this year instead of behind it

ruby has new bangs
random news
new body-ah! i wish. why is it so easy, fast and fun to gain weight and so miserable, hard and sloooooow to lose it?!
new bedtime so i can get up bright and early to work on this new lean and toned body i am looking for
new look of the blog-very simple- very me
a new year
i am healthy, the hubby is healthy and all 5 children are healthy and happy as can be
life really is beautiful