Thursday, March 27, 2008

What am I thinking?

What am I thinking, setting up a blog? My little sis got me into all of this and my good friend Amy came over to show me the ropes of blogging! Hopefully I will figure all of this out. I am sure it will take some time, time I really don't have with 3 kids and 2 babies but I am sure I can squeeze this blogging thing into my life! Even if it means the cleaning and laundry doesn't get done, oh that's right it wasn't getting done before!


Jamie said...

Hooray the blog is up and running! The kids look darling and Ruby looks so big. Not even close to what I remember her looking like which makes me sad!! Hope to see more pics soon!! Love ya!

tiffany nicole said...

Yeah you did it! I am SO impressed you got this all done in one day! Was it confusing at all or am I just a moron?! And very cute pictures by the way.