Monday, September 22, 2008

my very special lunch date

we went and had lunch with our favorite 1st grader today. our little 1st grader who really had a hard time with school this year and didn't want to go for the first 2 weeks. so today when she was getting a little teary eyed before school, i said, "how about i come to lunch with you today?" she threw her arms around me and said i was the best mom in the whole world. i wish it was always that simple. if you can't tell by the picture, evan really wasn't enjoying himself there. love ya lils!


tammy said...

Oh, I hate it when they don't want to go to school. Makes it so hard on Mom. My oldest had the hardest time with kindergarten and I would leave every morning with both of us in tears. I hope it gets better for both of you. What a nice mom you are!

Anonymous said...

I am sure you made her day if not her whole year! They look absolutely adorable sitting there. Nothing is harder than making them go and do something they don't necessarily want to. Hang in there-

tiffany nicole said...

thanks for your sweet comment-you are always so good to me :) it was a lesson i needed myself--funny how things work out that way. i bet lily was so happy to see you in the middle of her school day! i saw her friday in the hall and she gave me a big happy hi. she's so cute and i hope she's liking it better now. and i love your entry goal. it looks awesome! i think i'll try that one too.

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