Wednesday, October 1, 2008


this is a funny story that i have always wanted to write down. and tonight i thought i would. when lily was about 3 she was my little shadow. she loved going with me everywhere. she especially loved going to the dry cleaners. she loved the high school girls that worked there and thought they were so pretty. she was also fascinated by the little lever they got to push to one side to make all those clothes go round and round. she was so surprised that they would stop right in the exact spot where our clothes were hanging. every time we would go she would always ask me what the girls name was. i told her i had no idea because they didn't wear name tags. a couple times a week we would visit the dry cleaners, the girls knew who we were, so when we would drive up they would type in our last name and then holler at me what kind of starch do you like and i would holler back "medium" the pretty girl would walk our ticket to our window and off we went. one day after several visits to the cleaners, lily asked me the usual question, what is the pretty girls name? again i would say, "lily i have no idea what her name is." this time lily kind of chuckled in the back seat and said, "mom I know her name" i replied "you do? what is it?" she then told me," mom, her name is medium."


tammy said...

Oh that is too funny! Glad you wrote that one down. And shared with us!

Jamie said...

I am sitting here laughing so hard and Will is asking me what is wrong. I love stories like that. Kids are so dang cute sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, that's cute! I guess for that matter it could of been starch too!

Unknown said...

I love that story!

tiffany nicole said...

that's hilarious! i've been meaning to tell you that i love your new blog look too and that picture of all your kids is so, so cute!

Amy said...

I just love LIly! She is a crack up. What cute story! Thanks for the share!

Jamie said...

New post please!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Collette! I like checking out your blog, I hope you don't mind! Love this post!