Monday, December 1, 2008

celebrate the season-celebrate a birthday!

rode polar express
in jammies
good times
decorated for the season
bought tree
smells sooo good
need to decorate tree
happy holidays

ruby's first birthday





balloon wishes

one tired little girl


Jamie said...

Love the simple paper and love the collages! What a fun time we had the past week and a half! I already am looking forward to more fun in a couple weeks. Ruby looks so cute in her b-day pics.

tammy said...

Love the pics! Fun times going on at your house.

Anonymous said...

Now, those are some good times!

I've heard about that Polar Express, it sounds amazing!

Dana said...

so darn cute! You always do the cutest things. You're my hero!!

tiffany nicole said...

I would love to show you how to make a header! I was playing with that yesterday afternoon instead of working on my lesson! so thanks for telling me I did a good job :) and this party looked so cute. happy birthday ruby! i love your big flowery puffs hanging from the ceiling--are those from martha stewart???

kami @ said...

Hi Collette! I am glad you said Hi! Thanks for the kind words. It's fun to make a new blog friend! Your star is darling! Did you make it, or did the oh-so talented Amy make it for you?