Tuesday, February 17, 2009

14 months and 17 days

it is official. she is walking.
not very good.
but she is walking.
why won't she listen to me when i tell her to bend her
knees just a tiny bit more.
it will be so much easier.
why won't she do what i tell her.
because she wants to do it her way.
not my way.
and i am just the mom.
not "just" the mom.
i am the mom that will always pick
her up when she falls.
and tell her to keep going and to keep trying.
because that is my job.
and i must tell her how much i love her.


Anonymous said...

What a cutie she is and they are so cute to watch them wobble around!

tammy said...

She is adorable. I miss that age.

Jamie said...

SOOOO cute! I knew she would figure it out! Love her outfit(hand me down please!!) and her hair. She looks just like you did when you were a little babe! Oh wow seems like just yesterday she was born!

tiffany nicole said...

what a sweet pea she is. i would love to have ava and evan get together to play! i'm thinking of starting a little teach me mommy/playgroup with a few kids their ages. we could do it once a week and rotate through the moms. . . what do you think?