Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Happy Birthday Niki!!

Happy Birthday to my older sis! To the best big sister in the world. I know I made her kind of mad the day I was born, December 25, 1971 and took mom and dad away from her on kind of a special day, but I really didn't mean to, but maybe I did, I am the middle child! We had some great times in the good ol days. Playing office, school, restaurant and many other things. Then we both turned into teenagers and didn't like each other too much. I wonder if it is because I used to steal her clothes and wear them all day and then try and sneak them back in to her closet. I always got caught!! She used to beat me up, she was small and still is but she could seriously kick my butt! We became friends again when she got married and I went off to college. We realized we kind of liked each other. She doesn't beat me up anymore, and I really love her to death. I know she helped me out and was there for me during some hard times, and I hope I have been there for her during her rough times. That is what sisters are for! Love you Niki and I hope you have a great birthday!


Mindi said...

holy christmas birthday!!! that kinda sucks for you, but i hope you've had plenty of years to cope and come up with a positive?? isn't it funny how that sister that we almost killed growing up can turn into a best friend?
sweet tribute to her.

Jamie said...

You win the best blogging sister award!! Great post and yes I am expecting one of those great tributes on my birthday!!

Amy said...

Happy Birthday Niki! Collette, I loved this post! I love having sisers... So fun!

tiffany nicole said...

Aren't sisters the best? After you're all grown up of course :)