Sunday, April 13, 2008


So I picked Evan up from nursery today and there was a swarm of bees in there! How cute is this? The lesson was on being thankful for insects, I am thankful for the nursery leader who just gave me a halloween costume! This adorable person is my neighbor and I love her to death, and how lucky I am she loves her calling and loves my child enough to spend countless hours preparing for her lessons. Evan kept this on all day and even had a nap in it! One more thing, she made each child a spider treat out of a ding dong (I think it was a ding dong) licorice and other candies, so cute no picture of this it was eaten on the way home from church!


Mindi said...

what a darling idea--love the costume. everyone needs a nursery leader like that. the problem is nobody has one like that. LUCKY!

tiffany nicole said...

Evan looks so adorable and very pleased to be a little bee!

Amy said...

You are lucky... a nursery leader who is not thinking of leaving the church over her calling... O wait that would be me if I had to do it. Evan is so cute. He looks so big!