lake powell. it had been way too many years since i have been. it was just as i remembered it. beautiful. i was so glad to be back. the best part about lake powell? everyone loves it. big kids, little kids and those kids right in the middle. we would pick lake powell over disneyland. crazy but true. of course the best day of our trip my battery in my camera died. this was the day i jumped off a cliff. really i did and i have no proof. only a couple of mishaps happened. we had a sinking wave runner, evan almost got swallowed up by the tour boat waves (but was saved by papa craig ) and i lost the key to my luggage carrier. not bad at all. so thanks mom and dad. we had a great time. same time. same place. next year? we'll be there!
the crazy group


Fun! We go every year and just love it! We usually go in the summer, but this time decided to wait and go the first part of Sept. when the water is warm but the days aren't so hot. Can't wait!
oh look at you! Love the post. And yes check back later today and mine should be done. Seriously so proud of your cliff jumping. I only did it cause you did.
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