Sunday, July 5, 2009


the best part of the 4th of july.
i loved watching lily dance
around and around.
spell her name with her sparklers
just like i did
when i was little.


tammy said...

I love sparklers too. Can you believe I had to special order them? I hate how AZ doesn't have the firework stands like UT does. So my 7 yr old got to experience sparklers for the very first time. Next year I just need to bribe my family to ship me some fireworks.

tiffany nicole said...

i missed the fireworks this year--we were in Zions and you can't have them there. Lily looks so cute! I loved writing my name too :) And I never have told you how absolutely adorable Jessica's room turned out! I love it!

Amy said...

I always sang the bibbity-bobbity boo song as I danced around. Even now I still kindof sing it in my head. We were losers this year... we didn't even do sparklers. You can tell Caylor and the boys picked them out this year!