Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day Rick!! Here is why your kids think you are the best dad in the whole world!!
Brendan said-he's the best because he makes it to every one of my baseball games, and I have quite a few!
Jessica said- he's the best because he surprised me with Hannah Montana tickets and took me to the concert, and he will always take me to Olive Garden whenever I ask him.
Lily said-he's the best because he takes me on dates!
Evan thinks he is the best because he will share his sandwich, chips and drink with him!
Ruby (not pictured- she was asleep) just loves him!
I think he is the best because he is a great dad and husband. He will pretty much do anything I ask him. A funny thing about Rick is whenever people ask him how many kids he has, he always looks at me like I need to help him answer the question! We don't have that many!!! Love ya Rick! Happy Father's Day!


Amy said...

Another thing that Rick does that gets me every time is when I call after 8:30 and ask for you...he acts like he is whispering to wake you up. That cracks me up. For the first 5 times I felt I am hoping to wake you!

Holly H. said...

Ahhh, what a cute post... and family!:)

Mindi said...

your man sounds like a keeper--both of our husbands should start a club.

Anonymous said...

So cute Collette!!! I can't believe you remembered to take a camera. I was noticing how familiar the place looked and realized I was there too. CHEERS to good friends and great Father's Day suggestions!

Holly H. said...

Collette, thanks so much for meeting up with me today! I had a blast and hope we can do it again soon! :)

tiffany nicole said...

What a good idea to have your kids each say something about Rick. Your kids are lucky to have such great parents. No wonder they're so awesome.