Monday, June 9, 2008

Just call me Betty

Betty Crocker that is. Jess gave me a fabulous cook book for Mothers Day and yesterday was the first time we tried anything out of it. Jess made the Cheese and Tomato toasts and I made the Chocolate Cherry Cakes. Both were so yummy! The toasts were easy the cakes, not so much. But we enjoyed our time together in the kitchen! We had to take a picture because nothing ever turns out just like the picture but these 2 did!!


Holly H. said...

Gees Collette, you are Betty Crocker. Last time I tried something like that was... well... NEVER! Looks delish!! Cute daughter too!

Amy said...

You sweet talker...Betty Crocker! I love that you are such a Martha Stewart too. Jesse is so dang cute she could be a cook book model. Next time bring some over to your fat neighbor that needs a treat!

tiffany nicole said...

yum can I come over? ruby looks so cute in that picture--those eyes....