Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Superstar!

Lily had her dance recital tonight, she did such a fabulous job! She is quite the dancer. After her recital she said, "So now I can quit right, and start taking gymnastics?!" Ruby is my last chance at getting a dancer, I won't hold my breath!!!


Amy said...

And dance she did! She is such a cutie...even though she was "sweatin"...she cracks me up! THey were both quite the llittle dancers that didn't watch the teacher and stayed for the extra long extra spectacular finale! I hope the ice cream shops were still open and I am sure your dad had a fabulous birthday! hehe

Amy said...

Don't check the spelling...Yes I was an English teacher and yes there are mistakes in the last comment... SUE ME!

Holly H. said...

I'm so glad to see a new post from you! She is so cute! I used to love my end of the year dance recitals... but I don't get much of that around my house with 2 boys. They burp and fart a lot instead. :)

Mindi said...

what a doll--love the top hat!

tiffany nicole said...

I bet she was awesome! She is such a cute fun girl.