Wednesday, July 9, 2008's just a game

This is our family vacation this summer and sadly the entire family did not go. I admit I was a little bitter about the whole thing. Maybe it was because the day Rick and Brendan left for Cooperstown I had the flu. Yes, it was the 4th of July and I was sick in bed all day and my 2 big boys were off for a wonderful, exciting, baseball filled week in beautiful New York. I admit it I was jealous. I wanted to go with them, but it just wasn't possible for me to go. My jealousy is now fading as the week goes on. Rick calls everyday a couple times a day and tells me how much fun they are having and what a great experience it is. Brendan is having the time of his life, Rick said he might be enjoying just hanging out with his baseball buddies more than actually playing ball. This is what I wanted more than going with them, for the 2 of them to have a great time and make wonderful memories that they will remember forever. I was able to watch some of Brendan's games on the Internet. I could see Brendan and hear Rick in the stands yell, "nothing gets by you boy" when Bren was playing catcher, so it was like I was right there with them. Ten years down the road I will be off for a wonderful, exciting, baseball filled week in beautiful New York with Evan. I am a little sad I didn't get to go and experience it with Brendan, but am so happy he got to go with his biggest fan, his Dad. As far as how the team did, they won some, they lost some. I have never really cared, if Brendan hits homeruns, if he strikes out or if he pitches a no hitter, as long as he has fun that is all that matters to me. Afterall it is just a game..


Holly H. said...

How fun for them! Sorry you've been feeling crappy though. Hope you get better soon!

Mindi said...

what is it with boys and baseball? they just go together like peas and carrots!!

glad they are having fun--you need to be at the spa at least one of these days while they are gone--legit!

tiffany nicole said...

This was so sweet. I loved reading it. And, Ashlyn is so loving those activities with Jess. You are such an awesome mom.

Amy said...

I understand... Last year I was a lot bitter...but not bad enough to take the whole fam. I would have had to take out a 2, 3, & 4 mortgage to buy Jacks treats at the snack shack for 2-3 games day. The school carni is nuthin' compared to a real baseballl game!

Amy said...

Hey Cutie... Thanks for bringing Meg home... I don't know if I am coming or going! I awarded you something on ly blog...check it out!

Anonymous said...

We love baseball too! We are looking forward to Omaha Nebraska in 2009! I hear Cooperstown is way fun and beautiful. Sorry you had to miss!