Monday, July 7, 2008



Amy said...

Oh my cutest thing I have ever seen! SHe is so darling! Where did you get these taken? Love them! Meg had so much fun today... you need to blog about Jessi's Creation Station!

Jamie said...

So stinkin adorable!! LOVE them! Pretty sure I am canceling my pics since I looked online and even Busiath was cheaper than this lady!!

Holly H. said...

Are you kidding me? Who took those? They are DARLING!

Mindi said...

yeah--let me in on that action. who is the photog???

i swear, i don't know how people can make up such cool things

Devri said...

Holy cow, that is the cutest photo I have seen in a long time, way cute kids, almost as cute as mine:) You are totaly in, thanks,

Mindi said...

sorry, just got your comment about the "crossing out the word while still leaving it in there" and yes, i know exactly what you are talking about but am too computer illiterate to know how to do it.

someone who does it alot is kami from "it's no biggie" or tiburon from "shark bait" who would both totally help.

sorry i couldn't help--it would be the blind leading the blind!

tiffany nicole said...

oh my golly. these are adorable.