Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Winning isn't everything...but it sure is fun!

Brendan got invited to play ball with his old team this last weekend up in Idaho. So my mom and I took him with no other kiddies. It was quite fun. I call it a vacation if I only have 1 child to take. I know I said a couple posts back, that I don't care if Brendan wins or loses as long as he has fun. Well we happened to have an excellent time since they won all 5 games and then won the championship game! It was great, I got to sit in my chair and watch all of the games without even having to get out of my chair, unless it was to go to the concession stand for a drink and treat! Thanks Brendan and mom for a great weekend!


Amy said...

I love it when my team wins! I am glad you had a little time to just veg and drink a coke. Brendan is so handsome...can you believe our boys will be in 8th grade? YIKES!

Devri said...

I've said this before, but you have way darling kids, I'm sure you hear that all the time...

tiffany nicole said...

You and I define vacation the same way :) Looks like fun and way to go Brendan!

Anonymous said...

I think you may have been at the tourney of champions in park city and I saw you from a distant. Maybe I'm nuts but I thought thats what Amy had said. Anyway, I agree with the whole winning is everything and losing sucks! Great blog and cute kids!

Over The Tipsy Top Design said...

I have not seen you forever!!! How is your cute baby? Your kids are so cute! Sounds like Idaho was great, its one of my favorite states!! Can't wait to see you on Wednesday!!!!!
Love Tonia (A Tipsy Girl)

Holly H. said...

Thanks for entering my little contest! Hope you win! :)