Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Happy 11th Jessica Kate!

Happy Birthday Jess! I am a little sad she is not here on her birthday, but I know she is having a ball in Lake Powell with her grandparents and cousins. Jess is the most caring, thoughtful, easy going, loving daughter I could ever ask for. She is just the best! I tried to think of 5 things she enjoys the most at this point in her life, we will see how close I come.

1. wakeboarding (we never thought her skinny arms would ever pull her up, well they did and she is amazing now)

2. a hamburger with mustard and pickles only and fries

3. shopping

4. Camp Rock

5. Taylor Swift

This is what Jess will be coming home to find, she is going to look so cute on this thing zipping around to all of her babysitting jobs! Wish I had one of these when I was 11, instead I had a bike I had to pedal! Happy Birthday Sweetie-we love you!!!


Mindi said...

love the scooter. am contemplating getting one for my girls for xmas--let me know how you likey.

oh, and hb jessica kate!

tiffany nicole said...

happy birthday jessica! ashlyn was wearing the same dress in her two year old pictures! we hope you have a wonderful year! you are such a fun, talented and beautiful girl! thanks for coming to talk to me when i am doing my boring jobs--like weeding :)

tammy said...

Lucky girl!

Holly H. said...

That scooter is the cutest thing ever! Happy Birthday to Jessica!

It was so great to see you again yesterday! You looked darling!

Andrea W. said...

Thanks for stopping by the blog. I really enjoyed getting to know you and it was nice to have a familiar face there on Wednesday. Happy Birthday Jessica, love that photo. What a fabulous present to come home to!

Devri said...

my daughter turns 11 in november, no wonder their list is the same, and she will love that bike, mine has a motor scooter, but wants that for xmas.

The Patrona said...

Does she understand she has to take this to college with her....? I want to hire her as a babysitter! Too bad I live in Dodge. One more reason to move to Davis County. Then I could big chill with Amy D AND you! How fabulous.

Amy said...

Yeah Jessica! Happy Birthday to my favorite 11 year old girl in the whole world! Hopefully she will decide to love Jacks and they can live happily ever after! Love the scooter!