Friday, August 29, 2008

life is good

life is good when those big kids are at school. ruby is in bed. my mom is doing the dishes. i can play my sisters ds and she can't get mad because she doesn't even know i have it in my hot little hands. no one is bugging me. life is good.


tammy said...

It's nice to feel like the only child for awhile! Connor loves that he has a whole hour to himself before his big brother gets home every day. He said the other day, "Mom, it's kind of nice being alone isn't it?"

Anonymous said...

She's gotta love the freedom!

Mindi said...

school: it's a beautiful thing.

Amy said...

That means that nobody is buggin you! Wow! Gotta love school,. I am thinking about home schooling next year... NOT!

Ella Marie Boutique said...

Your family is beautiful! Your little girl is precious.

Devri said...

Thankgoodness for school. thank goodness for electronics, and thank goodness for computers!!!!

Jamie said...

Too funny. I didn't know you had updated already!! One day Ivy will feel that way when big bro Will goes to school!!

tiffany nicole said...

so cute! i haven't been over here for awhile--you're back to school night looked like lots of fun! :) i'm glad you did it!