Saturday, May 17, 2008

Big Kids

Brendan asked me why he was never on the blog and it is always the little kids-well here is Brendan-the back of him..this is where we spend our Saturdays, at the ballpark. Double-headers, you gotta love em!

A good friend told me it doesn't matter what gift you give a person, it is all about how you wrap it up! With this gift we went for a pink theme, so fun....bought Walmart flip flops and added the hot pink flowers! Jess wanted to keep this one!

Is there anything cuter than baby feet? Yes baby feet with painted toenails!


Amy said...

What a smart friend you have! I love your BIG kids. Brendan is so handsome and Jesse...where do I start. Meg wants her for a sister. Love all your kids!

Collette said...

You know that friend is you Amy!

Jamie said...

Who painted those cute feet?? I always am thinking about Will and wondering if one day I will be spending all my time at the baseball park or soccer field. Guess we'll just have to wait and see!!

Mindi said...

my 13 year old complains also that my 3 year old gets more "screen time"--it must be a blogger's children deal!

i have a friend who tells me to wrap it cute too......

tiffany nicole said...

what a very cute gift and such stylish little toes. . . and i just hope my boys grow up to be like brendan. handsome and polite and sing in primary back in the day and good baseball players too.

Holly H. said...

So cute! Your package is gorgeous! I need to work on that.