Friday, May 2, 2008

My trip to Colorado

Went to Denver to see my sis, so much fun. She has a fabulous new house, loved it. She was so great while we were there. We were sad to leave. Evan and Will are 1 month apart. We only hand to break up a couple fights, other than that they were so cute together! Thanks Jamie and Marcus it was so fun, can't wait to come back!

My Ruby, who was perfect the whole trip! All she needs is her 2 fingers and she is happy!! So cute!

We went to the mall, to shop? No way, to play on the breakfast foods. If all malls had these breakfast foods I might visit them more often. The boys could have stayed all day long.

Evan and my cutest nephew Will on a banana!

Evan on the bacon slide! Probably his favorite!


tiffany nicole said...

What a cool playground! You are awesome for taking two babies on the plane BY YOURSELF! So brave. And that picture of Ruby and her two fingers is so cute!

Jamie said...

Thank goodness for the breakfast foods!! The boys look so big in that picture together!! Thanks for the visit I love the company and hope you will come back soon!!

Holly H. said...

You're kids are sooo cute!

Amy said...

Great pictures! I love the one of Ruby.... I'd like to have her. Evan is so handsome- how much fun for you cute sisters to have kids so close. I loved having cousins my same age. Great POST!