Saturday, May 10, 2008

My tree

I saw this tree and thought it was the cutest thing ever! I wanted it for Lily and Ruby's room, so I thought it doesn't look to difficult, I can do that and then I thought again, I don't have time to do I know a very artistic, talented guy, who happens to be my dad and he did one for me!! I love it so much! Thanks dad, you are the best!! The tree in the catalog was about $200! Too much for me and not the right colors!

Here is my tree! For a mere $50! I know my tree is kind of floating but I wanted it pretty high up, feel free to tell me if it doesn't look so good floating and should be down closer to the floor!! And is it too busy with the artwork, maybe I should just have the 2 birds (those blue things are birds holding the string) holding 2 pieces of Lily's beautiful artwork? Is it me or is it too busy?


tiffany nicole said...

Your tree is SO cute!!! I had been admiring the pottery barn one too but I like yours even better! I've never seen Lily's (& Ruby's room)--very cute.

Amy said...

LOVE-LOVE-LOVE it! You are so lucky to have your own personal artist! I like it and don't think it is weird floating. Does Lily like it? She told me all about it and was so thrilled! She cracks me up! p.s. Happy Mother's Day! Gear up for Tuesday... I'm doing a graphic for it. LOVE IT!

Holly H. said...

I can't believe your dad did that! It is amazing and I love it!

Jamie said...

Great tree can you believe we convinced Dad to make two of those. If yours is floating then I am in trouble cause mine is in the exact same spot. Give me some tips on how to add to my nursery it still needs some finishing touches!

lyn said...

Love the tree! I want one for my boys' room! lol

BTW, I found your blog off of Amy's, whose I found of someone else.but.can't.remember.who!
