Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Things that really tick me off

I will keep my list short and to the point...
1. when i don't get my Monday cleaning done, and it is waiting for me on Tuesday
2. people that call Rick about work stuff while he is at home
3. being married to a work- aholic
4. giving my tax refund to the dentist
5. the weather-where are the 70's-i have a feeling we are going to skip right to the 90"s


Holly H. said...

Cute list! I'm gonna have to try this next week I think.

tiffany nicole said...

I am feeling that we're going to skip all the good weather too. Grrr...

Amy said...

Love the list... Love your idea of the Ticked-off Tuesday! THis wedather is driving me crazy. Any offers for Evan on e-bay? Will he stay home and watch cartoons? Just kdding...hope it works out- we'll have a ball!

Mindi said...

i am gonna start doing the ticked off list--i might like it even better than the thankful thursday....hmmmmm.

btw, i LOVE that tree your dad made you. too great!